Membership a roadmap for your health and wellness journey! Tips, Recipes and Resources.


$149.00 $49.00

The Jax Vegan Couple membership provides a roadmap for your health and wellness journey. You’ll find resources from top health doctors, tips, recipes, and more. You will have access to over 100s of recipes, meal plans, grocery list, vegan events, documentaries, webinars, and more.

In the HealthRx section we share all the health tips for you that you can utilize daily. We are always doing research and participating on webinars with famous plant-based doctors to bring you the truth from GMOs Revealed, to Hidden ingredients in Food, to Tips and Benefits of whole-food plant-based eating lifestyle.  We will also share member perks of events that are happening around town for you.

Hope you can take some knowledge away each day to help you on your journey to well-being.


Limited time Offer for this membership price of $49. 

Here’s what your membership provides a roadmap for your health and wellness journey.  You’ll find resources from top health doctors, tips, recipes, and more. You will have access to over 100s of recipes, meal plans, grocery list, vegan events, documentaries, webinars, and more.


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